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Air Travel Etiquette

Air Travel Etiquette

Air travel can be stressful even when everything goes right. But sometimes, it's not delayed flights that can be most annoying; sharing the tight quarters of airplane seating with a stranger can be unpleasant, especially when your seat mate has no regard for those around them. Follow these travel etiquette tips to ensure you're a pleasant seat mate, and hopefully those seated next to you will do the same:

  • Boarding
    Airlines board passengers according to their seat or zone. There's a reason airlines assign boarding orders; it helps with the flow of people and helps with maintaining an orderly boarding process. Additionally, those boarding first may have paid for the privilege so it's only fair to honor it.
  • Store Items
    There is limited space in overhead compartments, and that space is supposed to be reserved for items that don't fit underneath the seat in front of you. If you have a small carry-on or purse, do your fellow flight mates a favor and store it under the seat. This way you'll leave more space available to those who need the overhead bin and you'll have the benefit of being able to retrieve it during times when seatbelts must remain fastened and you must remain seated.
  • Before You Recline
    One of the most heated debates of air travel is whether or not you should recline your seat when someone is behind you. While you have the right to do so, it can invade the space of the person behind you and make that person's trip miserable. If you do want to recline whether for sleep or comfort – just give your seat mate behind you a head's up. Let them know you are going to recline so they have time to move any items if needed, like a cup of water that could spill or a laptop that could get hit.
  • Volume
    Be aware of the volume on your electronic devices. Even when you've got your headphones plugged in, if the volume is loud your seat mates may be able to hear it.
  • Scent Free
    You never know who will end up seated next to you, and they may not have a tolerance for strong perfumes or lotions. For some, strong scents can bring on headaches or migraines. Bring unscented lotions for the plane or hold off until you've disembarked to use your scented products.
  • Disembarking
    When the plane finally lands and taxis to your gate, it can be tempting to grab your things and rush off the plane to get to your destination. If everyone did this, it would be extremely chaotic trying to disembark. Allow those people in rows in front of you to leave first; it's the courteous thing to do and it allows everyone to exit in an orderly fashion.
  • Moving Sidewalks
    Many airports have them; they can provide a much needed reprieve for tired feet or speed up your stride if you're in a rush. Almost all moving sidewalks display the sign (or something similar) "walk on the left, stand on the right". For travelers trying to whiz by and catch their next flight it can be frustrating to find someone standing in the center with their luggage by their side, seemingly oblivious they are holding up traffic. Follow the guidelines of the walking sidewalk, or at the very least be aware of your surroundings if someone needs to get by.
  • Purchase Travel Insurance
    Sometimes it's not just a bad seat mate that throws a wrench in your travel. For the unexpected travel mishaps that can occur, be sure to pack a travel insurance plan from Travel Guard. A travel insurance plan with 24/7 assistance may help to take some of that stress off your mind so that you can concentrate on enjoying your vacation. Travel Guard's 'round the clock assistance can go to work on your behalf re-booking flights and hotels, finding lost luggage and more. Plus a travel insurance plan can cover you for things like travel delays due to inclement weather, trip cancellation/interruption and medical expenses so that you may book your vacation with confidence.

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Coverage available to residents of U.S. states and the District of Columbia only. This plan provides insurance coverage that only applies during the covered trip. Similar travel insurance coverage, offered by Travel Guard or another insurance provider, may be available through a variety of other sources, but may be subject to different terms and conditions (i.e. benefits, limits, exclusions, etc.). You may wish to compare the terms and conditions of this policy with those of your existing life, health, home and automobile insurance policies, as well as any other coverage which you may already have or is available to you, including through other insurers, as a member of an organization, or through your credit card program(s). If you have any questions about your current coverage, call your insurer or insurance agent or broker. Coverage is offered by Travel Guard Group, Inc. (Travel Guard). California lic. no.0B93606, 3300 Business Park Drive, Stevens Point, WI 54482, CA DOI toll free number: 800-927-HELP. This is only a brief description of the coverage(s) available. The Policy will contain reductions, limitations, exclusions and termination provisions. Insurance underwritten by National Union Fire Insurance Company of Pittsburgh, Pa., a Pennsylvania insurance company, with its principal place of business at 1271 Avenue of the Americas, 37th FL, New York, NY 10020-1304. It is currently authorized to transact business in all states and the District of Columbia. NAIC No. 19445. Coverage may not be available in all states. Travel assistance services provided by Travel Guard.